Thursday, July 9, 2009


Many people come to America either to start a better life or to run from their past. No matter the reason, their lives in America are often similar to one another; they come to America unaware of what it really is like here. Some come to America with absolutely nothing, leaving behind everything they ever knew and had.

      There are many causes for these differences in the generations of immigrants. Many of the people are coming from countries that are completely different from America. They often have difficulties adjusting because they are still used to their old habits from their country of birth, a big cause of the division in generations. Someone who are born in the United States don't have to break away from habits that where created in their native country because they didn’t grow up with the lifestyle their previous generations had.

      Another cause of these generational differences is money;
a very rich person in their native country can come to America and end up having nothing.
Money has a significant effect on the differences because an immigrant may come to America poor but have children that one day become very wealthy. But then it falls into education, when an immigrant first comes to America they have none of the required education that most jobs are looking for, causing them to have a harder time making money. But their children have an opportunity to get an education and get a high paying job which causes a huge change over their parent’s generation.

     There are many people of all races that come to America to have a better life or to have more opportunities than in their home country. But the first generation is almost always the hardest due to the fact that they come to America with almost nothing. But it’s the generation after them that makes all the difference which causes the generational gap. A family that has been in America for a longer period time will generally have much more then a family that has only been in America for a short time.

      People treat immigrants like dirt and disregard that they are people too. Some I would agree that are completely useless and do nothing but cause trouble but just because there is a handful... or a lot of useless immigrants doesn't mean they are.
Never treat someone who doesn't speak English or seems to not speak English any different from someone who does. Just because they don't speak English doesn't mean they are stupid
. Look at the Germans they don't speak English and they used to be ahead of the united states before WWII. Many of the Jewish scientist that fled from Germany came to the United States and brought their knowledge of nuclear weapons along with them.

      I know what its like to be treated differently because of race or the fact that it seems like we don't speak English... assholes talk about you and your sitting there urging to go up to them and stab them or something and say "I can understand you moron." But I don't blame them because I take a look at all the other Asian immigrants and I am embarrassed myself... it is pathetic and sad how they act and think. But I also need to understand that the place they came from is a completely different playing field. I was fortunate enough to be born in the United States. So whenever you see a immigrant that seems stupid or ignorant keep it to yourself and don't treat them like animals. Unless they act like one then no one would blame you.

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