Saturday, August 29, 2009

Righteous Kill and Justice?

     What exactly is a righteous kill or justice? Righteous - Characterized by uprightness or morality, Kill - To deprive of life in any manner. In lamence terms it means the right to kill, my definition is slightly different though. To me it means a vengeance kill, I have nothing against killing and excuse me for sounding cocky or evil but killing is natural. Animals do it all the time and the only difference between humans and people is the size of our brains. But it does not change the fact we all still have animal instincts and if people say otherwise, think about what happens when you take all the electricity away, all the lights away, and scare someone enough. Then you will see how primitive people become... in fact we are all insane to a degree. Want a idea of what would happen then watch "The Mist."
      But the reasons people in this world kill are ridiculous... people kill because of land, power, or sheer craze. I believe the only reason someone should kill isn't for some stupid reason like money but for reasons of survival. Most people won't even kill for survival and that's why those people are not around to talk about it. But back to the subject of righteous killing, when a guy shoots someone and kills them its considered to be homicide. But when a police officer shoots the man that just someone it can be called a righteous kill. But what makes the officer any better than the guy that shot first? "Oh because he was shooting someone that already killed someone" yea I bet many people will argue that the police officer is right but I guarantee you the perception of those people will be completely different from the people who don't like the police. The people who dislike the police will say the officer is wrong because he/she shot someone and killed them. But then the people who are on the side of the police will say yet again the other guy shot first. Then it becomes a never ending argument of who is right or wrong.       To me there is no such thing as a righteous kill, to me there is only killing. When you kill someone then you killed someone, there is no such thing as a righteous kill but just killing. It is as simple as that, in a situation like with the man and the police officer my opinion is they are both wrong for killing. The guy that shot in the first place was wrong because he discharged a firearm even though clearly the other guy was not attacking him. The officer was wrong because he fired his weapon when because the other guy did first. Maybe someone can argue and say "the guy who shot first would have turned his gun towards the officer" and I would agree because if I was the officer I wouldn't wait until the moron decided to point his firearm at me that's insane, but that doesn't make it a righteous kill. It was created to define a innocent killing for good reasons when a "good reason" is different from person to person. But to be honest there is never a good reason to kill, the only satisfactory reason is survival. Satisfactory not good.
      Which also brings us to the word "Justice," what the hell is justice? The quality of being just; righteousness, equitable, or moral rightness. Oh look the word righteous comes up again great. So when we invade Iraq and kill a bunch of them we are serving justice? Sure that's easy to say when we are thousands of miles away but out there killing is killing. You kill to survive so the other assholes don't kill you first, when you are getting shot at you don't care about what justice is or why you are killing. The only thing going through your mind is "I'm going to kill that bastard before he offs my ass." To us when a American soldier kills a terrorist we are serving "Justice." I bet you if you go ask a Iraqi citizen what they think Justice is you're not going to hear a American soldier killing a Iraqi one. To the terrorist bombing the twin towers was serving justice in their eyes at least. To us that was a act of terrorism because we are on a different side, when we attacked Iraq it seemed like we were serving justice to many Americans. But to the Iraqi's we were the terrorist.
      But again the Iraqi insurgents did not kill for "satisfactory" reasons. They committed a unprovoked attack and for the most stupid reason possible, in the name of god. A better reason to attack us is because we are all spoiled assholes that wash our asses with tap water and only good enough to drink bottled or purified water while they would be lucky to get tap water to drink, shit I would be pissed off to if I were them. It is easy to degrade what we are doing there and what is happening when we are safely sitting in front of our computers. When you are thrown into combat and getting shot at you don't care about politics and who is right or wrong anymore. All you care is the people around you and how you will smoke the jack ass shooting at you. I'm sure someone out there will say otherwise but that is because they never really been shot at and I bet when they do they won't be talking so much shit. Most people don't even think about death until it is in their face and when it is they freak out or freeze. People are so typical, they don't react until something bad happens right before their eyes and by then it's probably too late. But really if people really think about it killing is killing, everything I say here can be argued and I know that but then again anything said to counter what I say can also be disproved by someone else. Killing is open ended and there is no right or wrong but everyone can agree that when your life is threatened you will kill. If one says otherwise then you can be considered dead already.

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