Monday, December 29, 2008

Gun Control?

     Guns. Portrayed as such evil tools of destruction. but are they really? Maybe its just because people don't really understand guns. I don't consider myself biased when it comes to the subject of guns or knives. I just understand them and understand that it isn't the gun but the gunner. Yea maybe the gunner is crazy or is a bad person but what does that have anything to do with a gun being evil or destructive. To be honest it s just a tool like a screw driver or a knife, any tool can be dangerous if it is not understood or used correctly.
People don't read instruction manuals that come with tools what makes you thing they will read the one for a gun even if everyone of them came with one. That makes a saw just as dangerous as a gun, the only difference is the application of the tool. Certain tools are meant for certain jobs, you don't go and use a drill to cut some sheet metal or wood. Why... well because the tool isn't meant to be used that way but that doesn't stop a select few people that try it anyway. Only difference is I don't see the government or state governments banning drills because one jerk decided to be an asshole.

     Oh no not a drill but a gun has to be banned. But why do people ban guns and not a drill? because it hurts people better? I can name so many ways a drill can hurt someone that a gun can't and vise verse, but guns are still very bad compared to drills. I think it is because of fear, fear of everything a gun stood for and what it was always used for. But is it the fear of the people? or is it the fear of the governments. Guns mean power and those who have power only fear one thing... losing it. If people have guns the chances of losing
power greatly increase, so they ban them. But to prevent this is to cause people to fear them. Oh guns are bad, they kill, they hurt, and they are evil in so many ways a knife inst... right? When people fear something they avoid it and the fear em placed into people about guns is very strong and common.But to fear something is to not understand it. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean its scary. Lets say it isn't fear and people just run and scream whenever they hear gunfire because its a muscle reflex. What other reason would there be gun control? Maybe its because the gun can't argue back. After all I have never seen a gun hop up and go BOOM, now that would be freaky. But it is awfully easy to put blame on something that can't argue back wouldn't it?

     But lets say guns are bad and no one is allowed to have one. If that was true a few centuries ago the US wouldn't exist now would it, "Without blood there can not be freedom". Did you really think we used foul language and rocks to beat the British army? If so you should really pay attention in school you might learn something. But guns didn't play a big roll in the revolutionary war you know? They just stopped the British from taking the US back and helped us win the war.

      Lets use a more recent example. I support our troops in Iraq, not because I believe in the war but I believe in them. They stand for something that has kept the US at the top of the super powers list. Military might, the US military is the best trained and equipped military in the world. But if guns where so bad why does the greatest military in the world have the most biggest and most reliable ones out there?

     "The right to bear arms". Sounds familiar? it should its in the bill of rights. But people misunderstand it, It was meant to be vague when it was written so it can be interpreted in many different ways. I also remember reading that if the government fails to fulfill its duties the people have the right to start a revolution. With what? sticks and stones right... yes and add some spice and chemical X while your at it and create super heroes to fight the revolution instead.

      Many people would be like oh he is so full of it or yea OK doesn't change the fact guns kill people. I never said they didn't, they do and that is the purpose. But if the people can't even have the right to defend themselves what is the point? Open your minds and think about things other then what people or the news tells you. Fear is what makes you strong, learn to control it and understand it and you will be surprised. If you really read all that crap I said then thanks I guess =). thanks for caring what I think or decided to write.

1 comment:

  1. Still think you should send this to the president. It's got some good stuff. I particularly like how you said a drill could be more dangerous than a gun. I couldn't help but think so would a staple gun, saw, and even a box cutter.
