Monday, January 5, 2009

Whats the point?

      Whats the point of fighting those IED loving strangers. Why are we still there and why hasn't someone ended the war yet? Most people think there is no reason we should still be there. That we should just cut our losses and pull out, they don't understand and never will. Hell most of them wont even know why we fought in Vietnam and Korea, those where because of communism! Wait oh shit do people know what communism means or are they just told that its oh so bad and for some reason red is associated with it... yea everyone its like a grenade.

     It supposedly really dangerous and can explode quickly but no one knows how the hell it works... it just goes BOOM to them. I don't know how people would fear something you really don't understand. Well back to the war, why do we fight it and why don't we just pull out? No not because Bush didn't have a exit strategy... but we fight the war because apparently the middle eastern countries haven't gotten over what the Catholics did centuries ago. They all used to kill in the name of "god", that's why the Catholics had the crusades. No their not meant to liberate the middle east but meant to exterminate. Don't believe in god? then you DIE! Sounds a lot like the middle east calling Americans infidels or screaming their gods name before they commit suicide.

     We fight there apparently because the US wants them to adopt democracy. I say you can't force it, it has to be learned and that is why I don't entirely agree with the US's reasons for being there. But when your actually thrown in to the fight it doesn't matter anymore, the only thing that does is the guy next to you watching your back. Well why don't we just pull out... because as soon as we pull out all these terrorist and jerkoff's that want power will start killing each other again. Then the US would have to jump right back in and fight another war all over again. That is one reason we lost Vietnam, we kept leaving land we won and fighting for it 3 times over.

     Many people say bring our soldiers home, I don't disagree but I don't agree. Its easy for them to say that since they wont be the ones fighting the war again when it flared up a second time. Then they will become hypocrite's when they end up supporting the war effort. That's how people where when the war started, but people think we can jump in and kill everything and leave. The occupation is always longer and deadlier then they actual war, killing everything and leaving never works since someone else just walks in and takes their place.

     So the point of fighting this war and why it is important to see it through the end is so people 5 or 10 years from now wont have to do it again. Besides the media isn't even telling you the whole story. More Americans die there then everyone is told, we are only told about American soldiers that die that. What about private military... more private contractors die there then American soldiers, the main company is Blackwater. Not to mention the supply trucks, supplies and drivers provided by Haliburton. The spotlight is just never on them, the media is too concerned about American soldiers to bother with private soldiers.

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